Potentialities of nautical risk studies in Cuba
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Internationally, Safety and Nautical Studies are exclusive to a few research centers in industrialized countries. The technologies used in his state of the art are extremely expensive and demand a high level of assimilation, professional capacity and specialization on the part of the personnel in charge of carrying out the investigations. Our country has been working jointly for several years with the Spanish Maritime-Port Engineering Consultant SIPORT 21. The experience gained in the joint execution of important economic development projects has made it possible to acquire a solid base of theoretical, methodological and practical knowledge. Added to this fact is the acquisition of advanced simulation tools and methods, where the fast-time Numerical Ship Maneuvering Model, "SHIPMA" and its complement, the Advanced Maneuvering Simulator, in real time, NTPro-4000, stand out.
To carry out the nautical simulations, methodologies have been designed with their own "Know How" that facilitate, on the basis of proven engineering, the execution of highly effective nautical studies and Quantitative Analysis of Nautical Risks. In the present work the potentialities in this area of knowledge and the scientific novelty that constitutes the design of a risk analysis model are exposed on the basis of the theoretical-conceptual fusion of the Basic Principles of Security (PBS) with the process of nautical simulations. These specialized studies constitute a new service, which represents import substitution and contributes to the export of high value-added services.
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