Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

The Cuban Journal of Geomatics, is a scientific publication in Spanish language, open access, sponsored by the Scientific and Technical Unit GEOCUBA Research and Consultancy, published since 2022 with a biannual periodicity.

Contributions submitted to the journal must be original articles presenting novel research results in one of the thematic lines conceived by the journal. They will be submitted to a peer review process.

The mission of this journal is to contribute to the dissemination of the results obtained in scientific research in the field of Geosciences in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Readers and contributors include professionals involved in Photogrammetry, Cartography, Geodesy, Remote Sensing, Hydrography, Geographic Information Systems, Geography and other related disciplines.

The main thematic lines covered by the journal are:

  • Geodesy and satellite navigation.
  • Cartography and geographic information systems.
  • Photogrammetry and remote sensing.
  • Hidrography

Papers should be presented with the following structure:

  • Introducction
  • Methodology
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusions
  • Bibliographical references

These articles may be accompanied by videos, tables, figures (photos, diagrams, diagrams, diagrams, maps), to facilitate their understanding. The length of the articles should be limited to a maximum of 15 pages. As for bibliographical references, it is advisable to list a maximum of 50 of them.

The accepted language is Spanish. Authors whose mother tongue is English are encouraged to have their work professionally translated before submission to our journal.

Guidelines for citations and references

The APA style (sixth edition) establishes the use of brief references in the text and that bibliographic details be included in the list of bibliographic references, ordered alphabetically. It also states that the DOI should be included in electronic publications when they have one.

All bibliographical references must appear in the text, never in the footnote. Citations always include the surname of the author(s) and the year of publication in parentheses; for example: Febles and Delgado (2017). When the surname of the author(s) is part of a sentence, only the date is placed in parentheses; for example: Pérez and Ribas (1996). If it is not part of the formal structure of the text; for example: As stated by Aguaded (2014). In the case of papers with three, four or five authors, the surnames of all the authors are included in the first citation and in the following ones only the surname of the first author followed by "et al. Citations of papers with six or more authors only include the surname of the first author followed by "and others" or "et al". In the event that there are several references of an author(s) in the same year, they will be used with letters (a, b, c, etc.) after the year to differentiate them.

In textual quotations, the phrase must be enclosed in inverted commas, followed by the author(s), year and page in brackets. When the direct quotation is short (less than 40 words), it is incorporated into the narrative of the text in inverted commas. If the quotation is longer than 40 words, the text is written as a block without inverted commas. The block begins on a separate line and is indented five spaces. At the end of the text, a full stop is placed before the data.

In bibliographic references with up to six authors, all authors are separated by commas and "and" is written before the last author. When there are more than six authors, the first six are included, then ellipses are added and the last author is added.

The following are the general rules for preparing references for some types of documents, with their respective examples:

  1. Journal articles

- Printed matter

Last name, A. M., Last name, B. N., and Last name, C. O. (Date). Title of the article. Name of the journal, volume (number), pp-pp.


Sokolov, V. and Bravo Lorenzo, F. (1990). Experiences in the creation of the basic planimetric surface geodetic network for the construction of the Havana City subway, Geodesy and Cartography Magazine, (4), 3-10.

Macías, E. J., Roca, A. S., Fals, H. C., Fernández, J. B., and Muro, J. C. S. D. (2013). Neural networks and acoustic emission for modelling and characterization of the friction stir welding process. RIAI. Iberoamerican Journal of Automatics and Industrial Informatics, 10(4), 434-440.

Mackinnon, T. (2015). Trends in the Geomatics market for 2016. GIM international magazine, Ed. 3.

  1. Books

- Book with author(s).

Last name, Initial letter of first name(s). (Year). Title. Place of publication: Publisher.


Pellicer, J. (1981). Cartography. Havana. Editorial People and Education.

Betancourt, A. (1987). Special silviculture of tropical timber trees. Havana. Scientific and technical publishing house.

- Book with editor or coordinator (the chapters are written by different authors).

Last name, initial letter of first name(s). (Ed.). (Year). Title. Place of publication: Publisher.

Surname, Initial letter of first name(s). (Coord.). (Year). Title. Place of publication: Publisher.

- Book in electronic version

Surname, Initial letter of first name(s). (Year). Title. Retrieved from http://www....

Last name, Initial letter of first name(s), (Year). Title. Place of publication: Publisher. Retrieved from http://www....

  1. Chapters of books

Only in the case of compilation books in which each chapter has a different author and has a compiler or editor.

Last name, initial letter of first name(s), and Last name, initial letter of first name(s). (Year). Title of chapter or entry. In Initial letter of first name(s), Last name. (Ed.), Title of book (pp. xx-xx). Place of publication: Publisher.

  1. Degree theses

- Printed

Author, Initial letter of name(s). (Year). Title of the thesis (undergraduate, master's or doctoral thesis). Name of the institution, Country.

- Online

Author, Initial letter of name(s). (Year). Title of the thesis (undergraduate, master's or doctoral thesis). Name of the institution, Country. Retrieved from http://www...

  1. Conferences, congresses, conferences

- Printed

Author, Initial letter of name(s). (Year). Title of the communication. In A. A. Surname. (Ed.), Name of the Conference (pp. xx-xx). Place of publication: Publisher.

- On line

Author, Initial letter of name(s). (Year). Title of the communication. In Initial letter of first name(s). Surname. (Ed.), Conference name (pp. xx-xx). Retrieved from http://www...

  1. Electronic media

- Web page

Last name, Initial letter of name, (Date). Title of the page. Place of publication: Publisher. Retrieved from http://www...

To cite other electronic media, we recommend that you consult the specific APA 6 guidelines (see http://normasapa.net/nuevos-modelos-de-citas-y-referencias-apa-2016/).

Tables and figures

These visual elements illustrate the research results in a clear and simple way. The maximum number of tables and figures allowed for all types of contributions is five (5). Avoid redundancy in the information shown.

Tables should:

- be inserted in the text of the manuscript, to the extent that they are referenced.

- be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals and have captions describing their contents.

- place the title of the tables at the top of the tables.

- include any necessary explanations in footnotes to the tables.

- have sufficient space between columns and rows, without vertical dividing lines.

- express the units of the data for clarity.

- cite as follows in the text: (Table 1), (Tables 3 and 4),

Figures (may include images, data graphs, maps and diagrams) and should be inserted in the text of the manuscript:

- be inserted in the text of the manuscript, to the extent that they are referenced

    have caption titles describing their contents.

- place the title of the figures at the bottom.

- place any necessary explanations as footnotes to the figure.

- remember that the minimum resolution of the figures is 300 dpi.

- group together (diagrams, graphs and related images in a composite figure) rather than present small isolated figures.

- place legible and easy to read labels incorporated in the figures, and if necessary, reduce the size of the figures.

- declare the origin and have permission to use it.

- cite as follows in the text: (Fig. 1), (Figs. 2 and 4), (Fig. 3-5).

Other aspects to be taken into account:      

- Whole numbers up to ten are written with words (one, three, nine) as long as they are not followed by units. Numbers greater than ten are written with numerals (14, 273, 1003).

- Words or phrases in another language and scientific names are written in italics.

- No text should be underlined or completely capitalized (section headings and acronyms).

- Abbreviations and symbols should be defined when first used.

- Use the decimal metric system for units of measurement (except in textual quotations).

- Do not use periods after abbreviations of units of measurement, e.g., g, mm, m, km, ha.

- When numbers are accompanied by units or symbols, a space should be placed between them (50 A, 110 m, 15 ml).

- Decimal numbers should be separated by a period (.).


The Cuban Journal of Geomatics undertakes to acknowledge receipt to our authors (via e-mail or our editorial management platform) of the contributions sent, once all the steps of the online submission process have been satisfactorily completed. We will also inform you about the progress of the evaluation process, the estimation (or rejection), and the acceptance (or rejection) of your contribution, as well as the editing and publication of the accepted manuscripts.

All the instructions and regulations to be completed by the authors, as well as the detailed description of the evaluation process and the instructions and formats to be used by the external peers in the academic evaluation of the papers, are available on the journal's website.

As a result of the evaluation process, the following decisions can be made:

- Accept the manuscript for publication without modifications.

- Accept the manuscript for publication with modifications (basic, moderate or complex).

- Reject the manuscript.

The estimated time for the evaluation process of the contributions and their subsequent publication is between six and eight months.

Within 15 days after receiving the contribution, the executive editor will notify the authors if the work is rejected or if it is preliminarily considered for academic evaluation. The causes for the rejection of the manuscript may be its non-correspondence with the thematic lines of the journal, lack of novelty, non-compliance with the originality requirement, as well as formal deficiencies. In the latter case, depending on its magnitude, the paper may be rejected or returned to the authors to solve the problems detected and return it within a maximum period of seven days.

The academic evaluation of the original articles is carried out using the double-blind peer review method and in strict anonymity. Two reviewers are used for this process and in case of contradiction in their decision, the manuscript will be evaluated by a third referee.

The journal has a database of national and international referees, classified by academic category, distributed by disciplinary areas and institutions. In this way, the Editorial Board of the journal guarantees that the referees are external to the publishing entity and to the entity of the authors who send their contributions. The referees are instructed to comply with the Code of Ethics for peer review of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), https://doi.org/10.24318/cope.2019.1.9.

The criteria on which the academic evaluation is focused and which affect the acceptance or rejection of the work are the following:

Actuality and novelty.

- Methodological quality, reliability and scientific validity of the work.

- Relevance and scientific or practical contribution of the results.

- Organization and coherence.

In all cases, the academic evaluation also includes the verification of ethical aspects in order to avoid behaviors such as: redundant or duplicate publication, plagiarism, manipulation and/or invention of data and undeclared conflicts of interest.

A contribution can be evaluated up to a maximum of 3 times, according to the complexity of the changes and the suggestions of the referees. In a first academic review, the referees will make and issue a first opinion within a maximum period of 4 weeks. If necessary, they will carry out two more rounds of evaluation. The time available for the delivery of the second and third academic report is 2 weeks maximum for each case. The total time of the academic review will not exceed 4 months. (See peer review in editorial policy).

All authors will receive the scientific evaluation reports anonymously, so that they can make (if necessary) the appropriate improvements or replications.


Submission of contributions to the journal can only be done online, through our editorial management platform. Those interested in submitting contributions must register as authors and complete the information requested in all the steps of the submission process. Please take into account the following recommendations:

- Before submitting make sure that the cover letter is duly completed and signed by all authors and that the manuscript file is in the proper format, using the template provided by the journal's editorial team, and meets all the requirements set forth in the Instructions for Authors.

- Make sure that all authors have read our intellectual property policy and agree with the terms stated therein regarding the control of exploitation rights and the conditions of use and reuse of published works.  

- If you submit your contribution to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, please ensure that the instructions for anonymizing your manuscript and ensuring a blind review have been followed.

- Be sure to complete the details of each and every author (first name, last name, highest academic rank, affiliation, city, country, ORCID code and institutional e-mail preference). You must also specify who will be the author responsible for the correspondence.

- During the submission process you must upload the file containing the cover letter, duly completed and signed.


The editorial team of the Cuban Journal of Geomatics is committed to guaranteeing the integrity and quality of the articles published in it. The articles are evaluated by anonymous external peers with criteria based on the scientific relevance, originality, and pertinence of the works presented in it, guaranteeing the confidentiality of the evaluation process and the anonymity of the evaluators and authors.

Authors are responsible for the opinions expressed in their papers and guarantee that the articles are original and have not been submitted for consideration by other publications. Likewise, they assume the responsibility of ensuring that only those persons who have made an intellectually important contribution to the development of the work appear among the authors.

Our journal is committed to minimize bias, as much as possible, in the published research results. Authors should declare all relevant conflicting interests when submitting their contributions. Similarly, editors and reviewers must identify and declare all competing interests during the review process.

A conflict of interest is any matter that interferes, or could be perceived as interfering, with the complete and objective submission, peer review, editorial decision making, or publication of contributions submitted to the journal. Conflicts of interest may be financial and non-financial, professional or personal, and related to an organization or other person.

The journal has a procedure to detect and prevent scientific malpractice and fraudulent conduct, in accordance with the guidelines of the Core Practices defined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), https://publicationethics.org/core-practices. This ensures compliance with the quality standards and principles of transparency of the publication, as well as the original and unpublished nature of the published results.

Plagiarism constitutes unethical and unacceptable conduct. Consequently, any manuscript that incurs in plagiarism will be eliminated and will not be considered for publication. The Cuban Journal of Geomatics uses the Dupli Checker anti-plagiarism tool (https://www.duplichecker.com/) in the process of reviewing manuscripts to detect bad practices in order to ensure compliance with the quality standards of the publication, and to maintain the original and unpublished nature of the published results.

In order to facilitate the decision-making process in cases where unethical behavior is detected or observed, the journal's Editorial Board follows the decision flows recommended by COPE for the following cases:

- Suspicion of redundant or duplicate publication.

- Suspicion of plagiarism.

- Suspicion of invented and/or manipulated data.

- Changes in authorship.

- Suspicion of undeclared conflict of interest.

- Violation of research standards.

- Bias of the evaluators.


Publication in the Cuban Journal of Geomatics is completely free of charge, which means that the journal does not charge authors fees for submission, processing and/or publication of manuscripts.